ZL3/MB-316 07/01/2024

We were staying with our friend on the opposite side of Kenepuru Sound to ZL3/MB-316. Fortunately, for me, he owns a large block of land on the summit side, giving us access to the summit from his private jetty and a track leading up to the ridge line. The track up to the main ridge is a 4×4 track, not well used, a bit overgrown and steep in places. I’ve been looking at this summit for a long time on visits here and it was about time I knocked it off this time.

Access into Kenepuru sound is now by barge or water taxi, due to the road being closed to the public indefinitely by storm damage. ZL3/MB-316 up ahead, as viewed coming in on the barge.

Between us we chose a suitable day for the activation and early in the morning we loaded the bike and myself onto Pete’s boat for the short trip across to my drop off point. It takes longer to launch and retrieve the boat than it does to squirt across the sound.

And we’re off!

Not a very bike friendly jetty


From the jetty up to the main ridge probably took about 40 minutes, and was quite a hard climb. On the ridge the going was much better for the rest of the ride, but with a short sharp climb up to the trig for the very last bit.

The road along the ridge is in great condition as it provides access to another house on Schnapper point and is well used.
Lovely views from along the ridge. Down there is where Pelorous and Kenepuru sounds meet.
Some lazy Goats, sunning themselves on the track
The last bit up to the summit. It’s as steep as it looks.


Set up in the shade.

On the summit I soon found a shady spot to activate from and got started on 40m. Poor band conditions once again made things difficult, with six ZL chasers making it through the murk and one VK. VK2IO always gets through!. No other stations were workable on any of the other bands, so it was time for some lunch and some time taking in the beautiful views all around. After lunch it was time to head back down on another excellent down hill run and arrange pick up from the jetty.

Summit – ZL3/MB-316

Height – 435m ASL

Access – This would be a tricky one as it’s surrounded by private properties and the way I got there is just not practical, nor available to everyone. It’s possible to drive the road, when it’s open, and go around the back of this hill and door knock for access on the way. There a quite a few houses along that road.

Cell signal – Good signal from One NZ. Others should be the same.

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